Advertising Review

SBL Advertising Guidelines

Please review and understand Security Benefit's policies on advertising guidelines. Download the PDF.

Security Benefit has created guidelines to assist both IMOs and financial representatives who wish to prepare marketing materials for our annuity products. Please review and understand the Disclosure Guidelines for use in marketing the following products:

Marketing Materials Review Process

Security Benefit has set up the following process for marketing materials review.

As a reminder, any marketing materials used to sell Security Benefit products that mention Security Benefit, our products, or in which our products can be inferred by reference even if not specifically named, must be submitted to Security Benefit for our review and approval before use.

Standard turnaround time is 3-5 business days for materials that were developed in conjunction with the product guidelines. For more complex materials, or materials that are lengthy, allow 7 to 10 business days. Security Benefit will strive to deliver a response in less time on a regular basis, however, please plan for the standard review time. We understand there may be rare instances in which a more immediate turnaround is desired and we will make every effort to accommodate these requests, particularly during the 30 days before and after the launch of new Security Benefit products.

Submit marketing materials for review to [email protected].

The email should include:

  • A pdf or Word document attachment
  • Date by which the approval is requested
  • Date of intended first use of the piece, i.e., the date on which it will first be available for use
  • Type of material (mailer, email, flyer, brochure, etc.)
  • Audience (Financial professional use only, or consumer use)

We will open a new project in our compliance review tracking and reporting tool.

Compliance will review and provide any comments and/or changes needed in order to use the material submitted for review.

Once the review is complete, an email from [email protected] will be sent back to the requestor. A Project # will be issued and included in the email response (it will be in the following format: 88-000##-##) that should be placed on the final output.

A copy of the final output must then be sent to [email protected] for our files.

IM-50003-82 | 2023-05-10